lunedì 20 settembre 2021


 Juna Artistic Tattoo   @@@ Juna Artistic Tattoo  Paris tattoo

For Woman

This product contains:

- Tattoo for Classic Avatar and Tattoo Layers for body and head (Bakes On Mesh) in 4 tone (Dark 100%, Medium 75%, Light 50% and UltraLight 30%);

 - Appliers Hud for mesh Body in 4 tone (Dark 100%, Medium 75%, Light 50% and UltraLight 30%) for:

• Omega system

Exclusive for The Liaison Collaborative 

Open 18th September - Close 10th October

Giulia Design   @@@  [GIULIADESIGN] -ALOMA-

Esclusive Sense Event

Open 18th September - Close 8th October


:studiOneiro:   @@@ Dirty Blues BENTO set /poses/
5 Bento poses (pose stand with menu, show/hide option)

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