martedì 21 dicembre 2021


 LsR Moda   @@@ Sexy Keity Christmas Exclusive to Beauty Event December Round Open 21th / ✩✩[ LsR ] - Sexy Keity Christmas Suit Fatpack ✩✩for Beauty Event [✔]Mesh:Corset and Panties [✔]Hud Textures 91textures Solid / Fabric / Patterns [✔]Sizes: Legacy [Classic - Perky ] Maitreya [ Lara - Petite ] [✔]Single Items available 'ONE TEXTURE' Hud 38 Textures Bow and Straps [✔]Full Options in FatPack

Avada   @@@ Ilyena Bracelet Exclusive to Tres Chic opening December 17th.

Unrigged; 14k Gold, 18k Gold, Silver, Rose Gold, Platinum & Black

Poison Rouge   @@@ Luna Tiara Exclusive to TRES CHIC Hud Resizer/Position 8 gem textures Remember, is need one portrait for this accessories, ty ♥

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