venerdì 25 marzo 2022


  Juna Artistic Tattoo   @@@ Dreams tattoo Unisex  Exclusive for Dubai Event Open 20th March - Close 10th April

For Woman and Man

This product contains:

- Tattoo for Classic Avatar and Tattoo Layers for body (Bakes On Mesh) in 4 tone (Dark 100%, Medium 75%, Light 50% and UltraLight 30%);

- Appliers Hud for mesh Body in 4 tone (Dark 100%, Medium 75%, Light 50% and UltraLight 30%) for:

• Omega system

No transfer

✭ M & T G A R A G E ✭   @@@ Desire Bento Poses Pose Event Starts 27th of each month at 01:00 pm slt)

The package contains:

▶ 3 Bento Poses

▶ 2 Towels (100% original mesh)

▶ 1 Bath Tub (100% mesh)

▶ Stand set with AVSitter (1 Prims)

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